GE A2 Student Learning Outcomes
GE A2 courses emphasize the rhetorical principles that govern reading and writing. These principles are fundamental to logical thinking and clear expression. For reading, they presume open-mindedness combined with critical thinking and analytical skills. For writing, they presume an awareness of audience, context, and purpose. Upon completion of the A2 requirement, students will be able to:
- Explain and demonstrate the principles and rhetorical perspectives of effective writing in English, including its form, content, and style;
- Advocate for a cause or idea, presenting facts and arguments in an organized and accurate manner; and
- Practice the discovery, critical evaluation, and reporting of information.
GE A2 Assessment
Proficiency in written communication in English at the A2 level (first-year composition) is demonstrated through reflection and the use of rhetorical knowledge, organization, development, language and mechanics, formatting, and documentation.
A draft of the GE A2 rubric was first developed by faculty in the Department of English in May 2018 and used for a pilot assessment of A2 in May 2019. This pilot informed revisions to the rubric, which were completed on June 10, 2019 by the English faculty members who served as assessors in the pilot project. The rubric was then updated in Spring 2023 and the second assessment took place in Spring 2024.

A2 (2019) rubric development team from the Department of English. Shown left to right: Sarah Nielsen, Dore Ripley, Michelle St. George, Sally Baxter; Dabney Lyons (not shown).
The A2 rubric is used to assess signature assignments which are aligned to the rubric.
See the Revised 2023 GE Area A2 Written Communiction (First Year Composition) Rubric .
See the 2018 GE Area A2 Written Communication (First-Year Composition) Rubric here.
A summary of the results of the A2 assessment pilot is provided in the GE A2 Assessment Report 2019 here.