Quarter GE: Policies and Breadth

GE Breadth and Other Graduation Requirements (Effective Fall 2004- Spring 2018)
The information below includes the GE requirements and other graduation requirements under previous catalogs under the quarter system. These GE policies were in effect Fall 2004 - Spring 2018. Students who started from their freshman year at CSUEB (referred to as "native students") or transfer students entering into CSUEB before Fall 2018 should follow the GE and graduation requirements under the "native" or "transfer" GE pattern.
Full narrative description of the GE breadth requirements and learning outcomes under quarters .
- Quarter GE and Graduation Requirements for Native Students.
- Quarter Graduation Checklist for Native Students.
- Quarter GE and Graduation Requirements for Transfer Students.
- Quarter Graduation Checklist for Transfer Students.
Important Quarter GE Policies (Before Fall 2018)
The GE Program requires a minimum of 72 quarter units of GE, including a minimum of 12 quarter units of upper-division GE, distributed over six areas (GE Areas A-D, F, & G), as specified in the GE Area descriptions below. Transfer students must earn a minimum of 60 quarter units in lower-division GE courses that meet the requirements of the CSU or IGETC transfer plan and complete a minimum of 12 quarter units of upper-division GE taken after attaining upper-division status at CSUEB.
At least 12 of the 72 quarter units of GE must be from approved upper-division (numbered 3000 and above) GE courses taken at CSUEB. Upper-division GE cannot be taken until earning a minimum of 90 quarter units in all baccalaureate-level coursework.
At least 12 quarter units must be from upper-division GE courses (one course in each Area B6, C4, and D4) completed at CSUEB.
Enforced from Fall 2017
Grades of C- (CR) or better are required in Communication in Oral Communication (GE Area A1), Written Communication (A2), Critical Thinking (A3), and Quantitative Reasoning (B4). In all other GE areas, grades of D (or CR) or better are required.
Lower-division GE Breadth (60 Quarter Units)
A1. Oral Communication (4 quarter units)
- COMM 1000 Public Speaking
- COMM 1004 Interpersonal Communication
- COMM 4183
A2. Written Communication (4 quarter units)
- ENGL 1001 College Writing I
A3. Critical Thinking (4 quarter units)
- PHIL 1000 Workshop in Clear Thinking
- PHIL 1001 Introduction to Logic
- PHIL 3002 Modern Logic
- PHIL 3010 Critical Legal Reasoning
- PSYC 1100 Critical Thinking in Psychology
B1. Physical Science (4 quarter units)
B2. Life Science (4 quarter units)
B4. Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (4 quarter units)
- MATH 1110 The Nature of Mathematics
- MATH 1130 College Algebra
- MATH 1300 Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry
- MATH 1304 Calculus I
- MATH 1810 Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences
- STAT 1000 Elements of Probability and Statistics
- STAT 2010 Elements of Statistics for Business and Economics
- FIN 2300 Personal Finance
B5. Science Elective (4 quarter units)
C1. Fine Arts (4 quarter units)
C2. Letters (4 quarter units)
C3. Humanities Elective (4 quarter units). Any additional C1 or C2 course.
Completion of an approved Modern Language and Literature sequence will satisfy lower-division Area C (i.e., C1-C3) provided none of the courses are taken credit-by-exam. The approved sequences are listed Lower-division Area C Courses (Quarters).
D1 - D3. Social Sciences (12 quarter units)
You must select three lower-division GE-certified courses in the social sciences.
G1, G2, G3. Activity Courses Accompanying Freshman Learning Communities (3 quarter units)
- GS 1011, 1021, 1031
These courses integrate Area A course content, build learning communities and emphasize academic skill development and support services.
G4. Information Literacy (1 quarter unit)
- LIBY 1210 (Completed in the Freshman Cluster) or LIBY 1551
Courses fulfilling this GE requirement develop information processing and technical competencies, which include the ability to find resources; access, evaluate, and organize information; understand ethical, social, and legal dimensions; communicate information; and select and use appropriate technology.
Upper-division GE Breadth (12 Quarter Units)
B6. Upper-division Science (4 quarter units)
Other Graduation Requirements
Second English Composition (4 quarter units)
- ENGL 1002 College Writing II
A minimum of 3 quarter units of coursework must recognize the contributions to American civilization and knowledge that members of various cultural groups and women have made. The purpose of this requirement is to provide you with an introduction to the research, literature, and methodologies of the disciplines of ethnic studies and gender/women's studies from historical, cultural, social, and economic perspectives. Courses are taught by faculty committed to the four competencies listed below and are designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of the contributions to U.S. society made by cultural groups [African Americans, Asian Americans, Latino(a) Americans, Native Americans] women, and gays/lesbians (hereafter referred to as "groups").
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of your Cultural Groups/Women requirement, you should have developed the following competencies:
- knowledge of, and respect for, one or more of the groups and their contributions to U.S. society, including, but not limited to, three or more of the following aspects-historical, linguistic, cultural, economic, political, literary;
- ability to analyze critically the relationships between the groups and the dominant society, between the groups themselves, and between members of the same group;
- working knowledge of the groups' histories and contemporary experiences as subjects (as opposed to objects or victims) and of their voices and expressions, including, but not limited to, oral traditions, writings, and art forms;
- comprehension of the origins and functions of discrimination, exploitation, and oppression of the groups, both historically and in the present, and ability to identify various patterns of discrimination.
Must complete two courses (8 quarter units) that collectively cover all three areas:
US-1. American History
US-2. The U.S. Constitution
US-3. California State and Local Government
The "Code" requirements (US-1, 2, and 3) can be completed with one course from the First Category and one course from the Second Category as follows:
First Category Courses
- ES 1201 Ethnicity in American HIstory I
- HIST 1101 History of the United States to 1877
- HIST 3400 America to 1900
- HIST 3540
- POSC 1201 American Political Institutions
- POSC 3441 American Constitutional Law: Government
- POSC 3442 American Constitutional Law: Rights
Second Category Courses
- ES 1202 Ethnicity in American HIstory II
- HIST 1102 History of the United States Since 1877
- HIST 3500 History of California
- POSC 1202 Public Policy/California Politics
- POSC 3120 State and Local Politics and Government
- POSC 3150 Politics of California
Transfer students who partially completed the Code requirement before entering CSUEB should go see an advisor to confirm which course(s) to take to complete the requirement.
Official examinations to fulfill US-1, US-2, and US-3 may be taken through the Testing Office. The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) offers History of the U.S. I and History of the U.S. II which meets US-1 and American Government which meets US-2. The Code Exam on California State & Local Government meets US-3.
Students may fulfill the U.S. History and U.S. Constitution requirements with a score of 3 or above on the Advanced Placement test in U.S. History or with a score of 3 or above on the Advanced Placement test in American Government and Politics. These students still need to complete the California state and local government requirement with a Second Category course or the appropriate Code Exam.