- Student Health & Counseling Services
- Hours of Operation
- Appointments
- Immunization Requirements and Recommendations
- After Hours & Emergency Care
- Quick Links
- About SHCS
- List of Services
- Hayward Clinic
- Concord Clinic
- Counseling
- Mission and Values
- Counseling Options
- Meet the Counseling Staff
- Wellness Resources
- Free Self Care Resources
- Resources - Issues and Conditions
- Resources - Communities
- Political Stress
- Avoiding Misinformation
- Engaging Across Differences
- Off Campus Counseling Referral List
- Finding a Psychiatrist
- Free and Low-Cost Psychiatry Referrals
- On Campus Resources
- Covid-19 Tips and Resources
- Social Justice and Wellness
- Pleasant Activities
- Wellness Reading List
- Other Related Information
- Forms
- hipaa Privacy Practices
- Other Related Information
Pleasant Activities
The following are ideas for ways you can take care of yourself and cultivate joy.
Appreciating someone |
Attending a concert |
Baking |
Being alone |
Being with animals |
Being in nature |
Being quiet |
Bird-watching |
Building something |
Buying a gift for someone |
Camping |
Caring for plants |
Celebrating someone |
Cheering for something |
Collecting things |
Completing a difficult task |
Complimenting someone |
Composing music |
Connecting with friends |
Cooking |
Creative writing |
Crocheting |
Dancing |
Daydreaming |
Discussing a shared interest or hobby |
Doing housework |
Doing a puzzle |
Donating money to a good cause |
Donating clothes or goods you don’t need |
Drawing |
Dressing up |
Eating food you love |
Exploring a new place |
Expressing love to someone |
Feeling the presence of a Higher Power |
Fishing |
Gardening |
Getting or giving massages |
Giving someone a hug |
Going to an amusement park |
Getting your hair done |
Going on a date |
Going to counseling |
Going to the movies |
Going to a museum |
Going to a play |
Going out to eat |
Going to a sports event |
Having a cup of coffee or tea |
Having a lively debate |
Having a meal with friends |
Having a meal outdoors |
Hearing jokes |
Helping someone |
Hiking |
Intentional, undistracted time with someone |
Journaling |
Jogging |
Karaoke |
Kissing |
Knitting |
Laughing |
Learning a new skill |
Learning a new language |
Learning a musical instrument |
Listing your strengths |
Listening to a podcast |
Listening to music |
Making food to share |
Making a playlist for someone |
Meditating |
Mentoring a young person |
Organizing your time |
Organizing a room or closet |
Painting |
Planning a trip |
Playing sports |
Playing cards |
Playing music |
Playing with a pet |
Playing a board game |
Photography |
Practicing gratitude |
Prayer |
Repairing something |
Reading for pleasure |
Receiving a compliment |
Reconnecting with old friends |
Reminiscing |
Rewatching a favorite movie or show |
Riding a bike |
Running an obstacle course |
Scrapbooking |
Seeing beautiful scenery |
Sending a thank you note |
Sewing |
Shopping |
Singing |
Sitting in the sunshine |
Sleeping late |
Smelling flowers |
Solving a crossword |
Spiritual practices |
Staying up late |
Stargazing |
Stretching |
Smiling at people |
Supporting a small business |
Swimming |
Taking a bath or shower |
Taking a break from screens |
Taking a break from social media |
Taking an exercise class |
Teaching someone a new skill |
Texting or calling a loved one |
Time with family |
Throwing a surprise party |
Training for an athletic competition |
Trying a new food |
Trying a new look |
Volunteering |
Watching TV |
Working out |
Writing a letter |
Writing poetry |
Yoga |