- Risk Management and Internal Control
- Compliance & Internal Control
- Emergency Management
- Environmental Health & Safety
- Asbestos & Lead
- Biological Safety
- Chemical Safety
- Diving & Boating Safety
- Drinking Water
- EHS Forms
- EHS Training
- Environmental Protection
- Fire & Life Safety
- Hazardous Waste
- Industrial Safety
- Injury & Illness Prevention Program
- Laboratory Safety
- Medical Monitoring
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Radiation Safety
- Safety Concern
- Safety Data Sheets
- Safety Tips
- Storm Water Protection
- Traffic & Pedestrian Safety
- Ergonomics
- Field Trips
- Support Services
- Workers' Compensation
- Minors on Campus
- Off Campus Resources
- Whistleblower
Liability Coverage
Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV protects its employees from claims and lawsuits for acts arising out of and in the course and scope of their employment (see generally California Government Code Sections 825-825.6).
On the other hand, if an employee commits acts that are outside the course and scope of their employment (i.e. sexual harassment) and/or are criminal acts (i.e. fraud), then those acts are not protected (see generally California Government Code Sections 995-996.6).
The University participates in a state-wide self-insurance pool known as the California State University Risk Management Authority (CSURMA). It consists of all the California State University system campuses and most of the related auxiliaries. Contact the Risk Management office for a description of actual coverage's.
Claims administration for claims against the University is jointly handled by the University’s Risk Management Office and Alliant Insurance Services. However, in accordance with statute and regulation, in order to effect proper legal notice, claims must be filed with the California Victim Compensation and Government Control Board. For more information, please see “Filing a Claim.”