M.S. Kinesiology

M.S. Kinesiology


Application Open

October, 2024


Fall 2025

Course Duration

Dependent on concentration

Degree conferred


The Department of Kinesiology offers an M.S. focusing on physical activity and exercise for life-long health and wellness. The program is designed specifically for students aspiring to work professionally with expertise in guiding and/or administrating physical activity (PA). The program takes a multi-disciplinary approach, emphasizing evidence-based Kinesiology knowledge and the practice of social justice in professional practice.  The degree is ideal for post-graduates already professionally engaged in fitness and health, or working in recreation, sport, or PA promotion for public or non-profit organizations locally, regionally, nationally, or internationally.

The Kinesiology M.S. has two concentrations: 1) Human Movement and Sport Science, and 2) Physical Activity and Exercise: International Perspectives on Programming for Health and Wellness. The two share a set of Core courses, then require divergent coursework and activities appropriate to the distinct concentrations. Different qualifications are expected for each concentration, and students will be admitted based their declared application to one concentration or the other.

Application Dates for Fall 2025 - Open

For more information please email kingrad@csueastbay.edu


Program Learning Outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes

Students who graduate with an M.S. in Kinesiology will be able to:

  • Synthesize and apply multiple cognate disciplinary perspectives.
  • Design and implement collaborative innovative professional applications.
  • Make decisions using critical analysis of issues, theories, methods, ideas, and artifacts.
  • Communicate persuasively using a contextually-grounded approach.
  • Systematically reflect on the practice of social justice.
Possible Careers

Possible Careers

  • Administrator of Physical Activity Promotion Programs
  • Athletic Director
  • Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Specialist
  • Community College Teacher
  • Corporate Fitness Director
  • Intercollegiate and Interscholastic Coach
  • Exercise & Fitness Professional
  • Exercise Physiologist
  • Personal Trainer
  • Physical Activity Promotion Lobbyist
  • Physical Education Administrator
  • Physical Education Teacher
  • Program Administrator for Governmental or Non-governmental Organizations
  • University Instructor
  • Wellness Advocate/Counselor/Educator

The Kinesiology M.S. has two concentrations: 1) Human Movement and Sport Science, and 2) Physical Activity and Exercise: International Perspectives on Programming for Health and Wellness. The two share a set of Core courses, then require divergent coursework and activities appropriate to the distinct concentrations. Different qualifications are expected for each concentration, and students will be admitted based their declared application to one concentration or the other. 

Human Movement and Sport Science (HMSS) Concentration. This option addresses the growing need for highly qualified sport science experts in physical activity and exercise for lifelong health and wellbeing. Applicants are expected to have an undergraduate degree in Kinesiology or related science-based discipline. Features:

  • Comprehensive Curriculum:Courses in exercise physiology, biomechanics, motor control, and nutrition, providing graduates of KIN-related degrees deeper foundations in the science of human movement.
  • Real-World Application:Hands-on training through internships, research projects, and practical experience in diverse settings.
  • Alignment with Industry Standards:In collaboration with ACSM and NSCA, the program focuses on evidence-based approaches to health, fitness, and performance training.
  • Career Preparation:Equipping graduates for careers in strength & conditioning, coaching, fitness training, rehabilitation, and sports science.
  • Focus on Health and Physical Performance:Advancing the science of human performance with a commitment to health, well-being, skilled movement, and athletic achievement.
  • Career Opportunities: Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Specialist • Community College Teacher • Corporate Fitness Director • Exercise & Fitness Professional • Interscholastic or Intercollegiate Coach • Exercise Physiologist • Personal Trainer • Physical Education Administrator • Senior Physical Education Teacher • University Instructor • Wellness Counselor/Educator

International Perspectives on Physical Activity Programming (IPPAP) Concentration. This option is designed to prepare leaders guiding organizations and programs advocating physical activity FOR ALL. Applicants must have a baccalaureate degree from a recognized institution, but a Kinesiology- or science-related degree is not mandatory. Students will be admitted based on background and aspiration to provide leadership in physical activity promotion.

  • Curriculum Designed for KIN and Non-KIN degree holders: Overview of PA promotion from a KIN knowledge base, with emphasis on global perspectives in physical activity leadership and program management.
  • Focus on Active Living as a Human Right: Promoting PA to support the physical, mental, and social benefits of movement for every person and every community.
  • Preparing Leaders for Diverse Opportunities in PA Promotion:Developing leaders for local, regional, national, and international programs aligned with The Association for International Sport For All (TAFISA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) physical activity initiatives.
  • Applied Experiences:Hands-on training through internships, research projects, and practical experience in local to international settings.
  • Career Opportunities: Administrator of Physical Activity Promotion Programs • Athletic Director • Corporate Fitness Director • Physical Activity Promotion Lobbyist • Physical Education Administrator • Program Administrator for Governmental or Non-governmental Organizations • Wellness Advocate


Upon acceptance into the program, students are immediately directed to a faculty member who will assist them in developing a course of study.

The department offers a complete range of laboratory facilities and technologies for graduate students. These resources enable comprehensive research opportunities in all areas of study. Motion analysis software, ventilatory gas analysis, biofeedback, coincidence timing, nutritional analysis, bone scanner, body composition analysis and computer statistical packages are examples of available tools.

Other features include the potential for individualized programs of study to meet specific interests and needs, extensive library resources, and an instructional format which stimulates high interaction among students and promotes independent scholarship

Admission to the Program

Students must have attained at least a 3.00 cumulative grade point average in their undergraduate major, and submit 2-3 letters of recommendation from previous professors along with a statement of purpose. These documents are to be sent directly to the graduate coordinator, Dr. Jeff Simons (kingrad@csueastbay.edu).

Admission to the Program in “Classified Graduate” Status

Eligibility for admission to the M.S. degree program in “Classified Graduate” status is dependent on concentration.  Application to HMSS requires a student to have a baccalaureate degree with major work similar to the CSUEB Kinesiology B.S. degree. For IPPAP, students must have completed a baccalaureate degree that indicates ability to do scholarly work. The graduate coordinator and appropriate KIN faculty will determine degree qualifications.  Students must have attained at least a 3.00 GPA in their major, submit two (2) letters of recommendation from their professors or administrators, and provide a statement of professional purpose in pursuing the KIN M.S. with their application.

“Conditionally Classified Graduate” Status

In rare cases, students who are judged to be admissible to a concentration, but who do not meet all the admission requirements specified for “Classified Graduate” status or University Graduate Admissions, may receive “Conditionally Classified Graduate” standing. Such students may need to complete certain undergraduate prerequisites in preparation for graduate study and/or may have other deficiencies in university requirements. Generally, courses taken to resolve deficiencies will not count for credit in the M.S. Each student will be judged on an individual basis, and any issues must be resolved within the first semester of enrollment. Upon successful completion of all outstanding deficiencies, students will earn “Classified Graduate” status.

Advancement to Candidacy

“Classified Graduate” students are eligible for Advancement to Candidacy based on the criteria given below:

  • Maintain a 3.00 grade point average in all M.S. units completed.
  • Submit to the graduate coordinator an approved program of study developed in conjunction with their faculty advisor.

Prerequisites or Foundation Requirements

A degree in Kinesiology is not required, however note that expectations for undergraduate education differ according to the concentration chosen. For the HMSS concentration, a Kinesiology-related or Health Sciences degree is most appropriate and will receive preference in admission decisions. A Kinesiology or health-related degree may be helpful, but is not an expected qualification for the IPPAP concentration. Admission preference will be for those demonstrating commitment to both the course of study and a profession in physical activity promotion. For both concentrations it is highly recommended that students have either practical or professional experience in physical activity and exercise.

Please find information on How to apply

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Jeff Simons
Email: kingrad@csueastbay.edu