DEI Resources Related to Serving Diverse Students

First Generation Equity Practitioners: Are They Part of the Problem

Summary in Article: 

• In order to teach Black, Latinx, Native American, Asian, and other racially minoritized students with fidelity, professors must develop racial literacy.

• Hiring practices adversely affect the ability to teach Black, Latinx, Native American, Asian, and other racially minoritized students.

• Professors developing a critical race conscious lens provide the opportunity to address racial inequities within their classes.

• First-generation equity practitioners who acquire effective equity-minded competence seem to all share certain qualities.

The Case for an Anti-Racist Stance Toward Paying Off Higher Education’s Racial Debt

Summary in Article: 

• There is no shortage of documentation that racial inequality is coursing freely through every artery of higher education.

• We are endlessly studying data reports that show Black, Latinx, and Indigenous students stuck at the lowest percentile of representation and achievement, from admissions to elite institutions to low graduation rates at the broad access colleges that represent their only hope in a highly stratified higher education system.

• A focus on the “achievement gap” does little more than perpetuate theories that associate academic achievement with individual effort, motivation, and drive.

• To combat racial inequality we have to focus on the ways in which higher education policy can result in racist outcomes.

• To avoid racism in policies, four criteria are provided to construct anti-racist higher education policy. 

Academic Pipeline Programs: Diversifying Pathways from the Bachelor’s to the Professoriate 2021 (open access Ebook)

Summary in Ebook:

• Academic Pipeline Programs serves as a valuable resource for K-12 educators, college and university administrators, faculty, students, and families interested in the wide range of academic programs-from precollege to higher education to careers.

• The authors emphasize and describe available initiatives for promoting underrepresented minority students through the education pipeline, a goal demanding focused attention in our increasingly diverse society.

This web resource belongs to the Faculty Diversity & Equity Committee (FDEC), whose members are elected and appointed by the CSUEB Academic Senate, a governing body of the faculty.