
Suggested vendor language

Requesting Section 508 conformance documentation (WCAG 2.0 or VPAT):

  • Search vendor website using keywords: "VPAT", "Accessibility Conformance", "Accessibility," or "Section 508"
  • Ask vendor sales representative
  • Provide vendor with VPAT 2.5 508 Template

If vendor refuses to provide Section 508 documentation:

Notify of vendor refusal to submit documentation and at a minimum, vendors will have to answer the following questions:

  1. If your company has not completed Section 508 conformance documentation, what has your company done to evaluate the accessibility of your product?
  2. Do you know of any problems or received any complaints regarding accessibility of your product?
    • If you know of accessibility issues with your product, what workarounds have you identified or would you recommend?
  3. What is your company planning in the next year or so to incorporate accessibility into the product?
  4. Are you able to provide a demo of the product to our review team?

Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ

An acquisition is an asset, product or object bought or obtained at no cost.

This also applies to free and open-source products. Not only do  guidelines apply to acquisitions of ICT but also use of products that can be considered ICT. Since CSU Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV does not regulate the installation of free applications on University Systems, the obligation to ensure that products comply with Section 508 standards falls on the user/group. Submit an  and indicate “free” under funding source. Based on how the product will be used, the VPAT team will provide feedback about if the product should continue to be used and what barriers the user(s) may need to know about. We will always take in to consideration the intended use of the product (e.g., open source materials used for instruction purposes). Reference: 

In some cases we can provide conditional approval for a purchase (or renewal) cycle, however we need as much information about your acquisition and the special purchase circumstances in order to make that call. Please complete an . 

As soon as possible! Reviews may take up to 8 weeks to complete (including document reviews, vendor response time, supplemental documentation and approvals). Please allow the maximum amount of time needed for your review. We will take into consideration time sensitive purchases but immediate recommendation of acquisition is not guaranteed.

Section 508/VPAT FAQ

All acquisitions that can be categorized as Information & Communication Technology (ICT) must go through ICT Purchase Authorization process. Complete the  (formerly "Pre-VPAT" or "Pre-Acquisition Questionnaire") with detailed information about the product/service and its’ intended use. Impact to campus will be determined and dictate whether further VPAT review is required.

VPAT assessments may take up to 8 weeks to complete, however information provided on the  can significantly reduce this timeline.

There are no exceptions, however detailed information provided in the  will allow the VPAT/508 Compliance team to expedite where possible. Frequently purchased software and hardware may be put through the VPAT assessment process quicker. The VPAT/508 compliance team will notify you if there are pre-assessed VPATs similar to your product version.

Please visit our Pre-Approved ICT list for the most up-to-date details.

Please contact the VPAT team at for all VPAT related inquiries and status updates. Be sure to include the RITM #, original requestor name, product/vendor name and version # (if applicable) in your correspondence. To help ensure quicker response time, please include as much information about your inquiry/acquisition as possible.

Please see the ; there are great resources for understanding the specific technical standards categories as well as specialized lingo (ICT, Alternate Format, etc). Not finding what you are looking for? Contact