
Two CSUEB EdD Students Awarded Soroptimist Fellowship

Two CSUEB EdD Students Awarded Soroptimist Fellowship

Congratulations to third-year EdD candidates Jennifer Edens and Babalwa Kwanele who were selected to receive a 2023 Soroptimist Fellowship Award in the amount of $10,750 to support the final phase of their doctoral studies! They are pictured here with Dr. Eric Haas, director of CSUEB's Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership for Social Justice. Dr. Haas was the keynote speaker at this year's Founder Region Fellowship awards ceremony.

EdD 2nd Year Student Recognized for Outstanding School Leadership

Paulette Smith, principal of Madison Elementary and 2nd year CSUEB EdD student, has been named a recipient of the 2024 Terrel H. Bell Award for Outstanding School Leadership. This prestigious recognition, awarded by the U.S. Department of Education, honors principals who have made extraordinary contributions to their schools and guided students and staff to excellence.

Dr. Mari Gray Publishes Article on Disrupting Carcerality in Schools

In an article recently published in the journal Leadership and Policy in Schools, Drs. Mariama Gray and Benjamin Blaisdell argue that by analyzing how racial spatial logics undergird school discourse and practices, school leaders can better understand and disrupt the normalization of carcerality and can better work with school personnel in living up to their stated goals for racial equity.

Dr. Katie Strom Collaborates with Smithsonian Science Ed Center

Dr. Katie Strom Collaborates with Smithsonian Science Ed Center

Reimagining our Global Crises Response: How Cal State Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV’s Collaboration With The Smithsonian Science Education Center is Working to Find Solutions for Global Crises Read More

Dr. Mari Gray Discusses Great Migration Study

On Thursday, February 2nd, Insight Host, Vicki Gonzalez, interviewed Associate Professor Mariama Smith Gray about her most recent project, the Great Migration Study. The study examines the migration journey and educational experiences of African Americans who were children in Northern California schools during the Great Migration. To access a recording of the show click on the Read More link. Californians who are interested in participating in the Great Migration Study can reach Dr. Gray at

Dr. Strom Invited to Collaborate with University College in London

Dr. Katie Strom Invited to Collaborate with University College in London

Dr. Katie Strom, whose research focuses on educational complexity and teacher development, has been appointed as an honorary associate professor at the University College, London, where she is working as an advisor for the UCL Institute of Education’s Center for Teaching and Teacher Research. She is currently on sabbatical spending much of her time collaborating with research partners across Europe. Read More Read More

EdD Candidate Tiago J. Robinson selected as 100 for the 100th Legacy Award recipients

Big congratulations to Tiago J. Robinson on being selected as one of the Marcus Foster Education Institute's 100 for the100th Legacy Award recipients! Tiago's outstanding contributions to the community and his commitment to "making and holding space for all that we are with humor, honesty, grace, persistence, and determination such that the most disenfranchised are centered and honored " have earned him a nomination as a "Champion for Inclusion and Belonging." To vote for Tiago please click on Read more. Keep up the amazing work, Tiago!

Dr. Mari Gray in EducationWeek: "I Teach Aspiring School Leaders. It’s Not Business as Usual."

In an opinion piece she wrote for EducationWeek, Dr. Mari Gray discussed her abolitionist approach to teaching, as well as her commitment to providing a humanizing education experience for her leadership students.


Dr. G. Reyes Delivers Keynote Talks

Dr. G. Reyes was the keynote speaker for the 2022 Annual Conference of the Minnesota Association of Alternative Programs.  He also gave the keynote address at the California Association of California Community College  Administrators Annual Conference held in Monterey.

EdD Students Present Research at 2022 CAPEA Conference

EdD Students Present Research at 2022 CAPEA Conference

Congratulations to EdD students Stacy Southern, Rachel Vatannia, Winnie Kwofie, and E'Rika Chambers who presented their research on the theme "Abolitionist Leadership: Recreating, Restructuring, and Reorienting How We Serve Communities."

EdD Students Present Research at 2022 Annual AERA Meeting in San Diego.

EdD Students Present Research at 2022 Annual AERA Meeting in San Diego.

Members of the Abolitionist Leadership Working Group E'Rika Chambers, Rachel Vatannia, Melissa Potts, Stacy Southern, Winnie Kwofie, and Babalwa Kwanele presented their research at this year's Annual AERA Meeting.

Dr. G. Reyes to Speak to CSUEB Social Justice League

Dr. G. Reyes to Speak to CSUEB Social Justice League

Join Dr. G. Reyes via Zoom on April 11 at 6:45 pm for a discussion of his work which centers upon inviting the radical imagination and building capacity for folks to transform their own realities while both excavating and honoring their ways of being and becoming that are not rooted in whiteness, colonialism, and capitalism