
About Us


Dr. Lonny Brooks

E-mail: lonny.brooks@csueastbay.edu

Phone: (510) 885-3925

The  directory of all university faculty and staff can be found


Name Title Phone Location


(510) 885-3189 MI 3011
Professor (510) 885-4854 MI 3039
Professor (510) 885-3292 MI 3011
Lecturer AY (510) 885-3143 MI 3011
Professor (510) 885-3927 MI 3005
Professor (510) 885-3188 MI 3011
Lecturer AY (510) 885-4761 MI 3011
Info Tech Consultant (510) 885-3175 MI 1074
Assistant Professor (510) 885-3292 MI 3011
Lecturer AY (510) 885-2543 MI 3011
Assistant Professor (510) 885-3076 MI 3011



Angie Saechao-Perez - Administrative Support Coordinator, Department Office

Email: angie.saechaoperez@csueastbay.edu

Phone: (510) 885-3292


Eric Ronning – Pioneer News Production and Computing Coordinator

Email: eric.ronning@csueastbay.edu

Phone: (510) 885-3175

Julius Palma - Instructional Support Tech, TV Studio

Email: julius.palma@csueastbay.edu

Phone: (510) 885-4670




The Dept. of Communication extends a special THANK YOU to Danuta Sawka, who took her well-deserved retirement in 2020. Her many years of selfless service to students and faculty sustained and inspired us all!


Emerita Faculty

Harold Barrett

Thomas McCoy

Sally Murphy

Anne Pym

David Sanders

Jack Samosky

Terry West

Gale Young

Mary Cardaras



In Memoriam

William (Bill) Alnor (2011)

John Cambus (2017)

John Hammerback (2012)

Daniel Stewart Prentice (2012)