Masters Degree - Comprehensive Examination Policy

Satisfactory achievement on a written comprehensive examination is a stated catalog capstone option for completion of the Master of Science (MS) degree in Speech-Language Pathology at CSU Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV.

For students completing this capstone option, a written examination that includes four case based multi-faceted essay questions is required. Students are allowed 1 hour 40 minutes for each question over two testing sessions with a meal break in between. Please find detailed clarification of the grading policy for this examination below.

Grading Policy

  • Student responses to each question will be scored as a HIGH PASS, PASS, LOW PASS or FAIL depending on the quality, completeness and accuracy of the response.
  • Students need to earn a HIGH PASS or PASS on all 4 responses to pass the comprehensive examination.
  • If a student receives a LOW PASS on any response(s), they will be required to meet with the writer/reviewer(s) of each of the Low Pass questions and rewrite their response(s), addressing all weaknesses/inadequacies in their original answer, in the same term as arranged by the department in a two-hour rewrite session. Rewritten responses must earn a PASS or HIGH PASS rating for successful completion of the comprehensive examination.
  • If a student receives a FAIL grade on ONE response, they will be required to meet with the writer/reviewer of the Failed question and rewrite their response, addressing all weaknesses/inadequacies in their original answer, they will have to rewrite that question in the same term as arranged by the department in a 2-hour rewrite session. Rewritten responses must earn a PASS or HIGH PASS rating for successful completion of the comprehensive examination.
  • If a student receives a LOW PASS or FAIL grade on any rewritten response, they will have to retake the entire comprehensive examination (all four case based questions) the next time it is offered (in a subsequent term).
  • If a student has 2 or more FAIL grades, students will have to retake the entire comprehensive examination (all four case based questions) the next time it is offered (in a subsequent term) to allow time for necessary preparation for successful completion of this requirement.   That is, a student with 2 or more FAILS does NOT have the option to re-write in the same term, but must retake the entire exam and PASS or HIGH PASS each question the next time it is offered.
  • Students only have ONE attempt to rewrite the entire comprehensive examination. The rules for re-taking the entire exam in the subsequent term are the same: if students receive a LOW PASS on any question(s), they will be able to rewrite that/those question(s) in the same term. If the student receives ONE FAIL grade, they also will be allowed to rewrite that response in the same term during the 2-hour rewrite session.
  • If a student receives a LOW PASS on any question, on the rewrite OR if a student earns 2 or more FAIL grades in their second attempt, they have failed to demonstrate satisfactory completion of the comprehensive exams, a requirement of the M.S. degree and thus will not earn that degree as stipulated in the Catalog. This will result in a dismissal from the program and the MS degree will not be granted.