Parking Grace Period
The first five days of classes, there will be a Parking Grace period from Tuesday, January 21st - Monday, January 27th in Student lots (General lots) only.
During this time permits are not required in Student Lots only (General Lots) A, C, C1, D F, G, K , N, P & H (except marked spaces).
Faculty/Staff Lots will be enforced. Parking Lots: B, E, J, L, M O & marked spaces in H.
The last day of the grace period is Monday, January 27th. We will begin enforcing in Student Lots (General Lots) again on Tuesday, January 28th. Make sure to order your semester permit early at . Or purchase a daily/hourly permit at one of our dispensers on campus (map).
Starting Tuesday, January 28th you will need to display a hourly, daily or semester parking permit on your vehicle.
Make sure to order your permit, print the temporary permit and place it on your dash once you park.
The license plate on the temporary permit needs to match the license plate on the vehicle it is displayed on. If you have a new vehicle with no plates, you can use this format "VIN####" (the #### are the last 4 of your Vehicle Identification Number.)