Robert Loveland Faculty Profile

Photo of Robert Loveland

Robert  Loveland


Department of Accounting & Finance

  • Ph.D. Finance, University of Georgia
  • MS Mathematical Finance, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
  • MaC Accounting, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  • BSBA, University of Rhode Island
Fall Semester 2024
Course #SecCourse TitleDaysFromToLocationCampus
FIN 30005Financial ManagementARRWEB-ASYNCH
FIN 69701Issues in FinanceW6:00PM10:00PMWEB-SYNCH

Du, B., Fung, S., & Loveland, R. (2018). The informational role of options markets: Evidence from FOMC announcements. Journal of Banking & Finance, 92, 237-256. Read More

Okoeguale, K., & Loveland, R. (2018). Competition and merger activity in the US telecommunications industry. Journal of Financial Research, 41(1), 33-65. Read More

Loveland, R., Fricke, E., & Goktan, S. (2018). Do Private Firms Benefit from Trading in the Private Securities Market?. The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 19(2), 1-29. Read More

Okoeguale, K. I., & Loveland, R. (2017). Telecommunications deregulation and the motives for mergers. Journal of Economics and Business, 94, 15-31. Read More

Loveland, R., & Okoeguale, K. (2016). Uncertainty or misvaluation? New evidence on determinants of merger activity from the banking industry. Financial Review, 51(2), 225-261.     Read More

Loveland, R. (2016). How prompt was regulatory corrective action during the financial crisis?. Journal of Financial Stability, 25, 16-36. Read More