GBI News

GBI Program Update Summer 2023
Get up to speed and download the presentation of the Green Biome Institute Summer 2023 update. Read More

Determining the Original Rudy Boysen and Knott's Berry Farm Boysenberry!
Determining the Original Rudy Boysen and Knott's Berry Farm Boysenberry! The iconic Boysenberry that made Knott's Berry farm famous was actually lost, no original plants were known to exist until Nettie Boysen Fitzgerald; granddaughter of Rudy Boysen went on a search to locate a stand of the original berries at an old friend's house. The GBI is genetically testing various varieties of Boysenberries to confirm the original plant and close Boysenberry relatives.

Applied Sciences Center Construction Begins
The new Applied Sciences Center starts construction! The future home of the Green Biome Institute; the Applied Sciences Center, has begun construction and a 24/7 web cam has been set up for everyone to watch the progress! Stay tuned for developments as the building takes shape. Read More